Home of the cryptocurrency token Neil Coin ($NEIL) on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
- Contract address: 0x42b8Af81D4fA2df8fC10f51A03C602A163Bfd231 Copy
- Token type: BEP-20
- Icon:
https://neilhillman.net/assets/neilcoin-icon.png Copy
- Total supply: 1,200,000 $NEIL
- Liquidity locked: 600,000 $NEIL (50%)
- Market cap: $850
- Block explorer: https://bscscan.com/token/…
The value of 1 $NEIL is currently about 2 Satoshis, (the smallest unit of Bitcoin), equivalent to about $0.0007 USD. In other words, you get roughly 1,400 $NEIL to the dollar, (subject to change)!
The $NEIL token offers investors no real value, and no expectation of gains. This token runs on a Smart Contract hosted on the Binance Smart Chain. Most of the smart contract code was copied from GitHub and Stack Overflow, I am no expert in Solidity programming.
Why did I choose the Binance Smart Chain over the larger and more established blockchain, Ethereum? Congestion and the high transaction volume on the Ethereum network means that a typical transaction now costs over $30 USD, (sometimes as much as $60 USD), and takes several minutes to complete. In comparison, on the newer Binance Smart Chain, a transaction typically costs about $0.40 USD and takes only three seconds to complete. The Binance Smart Chain platform was specifically designed to run smart contract-based applications like this with low latency and cheaper transaction fees.
$NEIL is a standard BEP-20 token, you can buy them, hold them, transfer them, and that’s about it. There is nowhere to spend $NEIL tokens, and they’re pretty much worthless. Do not buy $NEIL tokens as a serious investment!
The team

Traditionally, this is where an ICO whitepaper would tell you all about the team; photos, biographies explaining how crucial they all are to the project, and what big advantages they offer to investors. But there’s just me (Neil) behind this project, a professional developer with over 20 years experience in web technologies, and an interest in crypto-mining. I know a bit about blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies, and thought it would be fun to create my own COIN. There is no project roadmap, mission objective, or investor benefits. Sorry!
How to buy $NEIL
You can buy them on PancakeSwap, the leading Decentralized Exchange (DEX) on the Binance Smart Chain, using the MetaMask browser wallet extension.
In MetaMask, you must first switch your network from the default Ethereum Mainnet to the Binance Smart Chain. Click on “Ethereum Mainnet” at the top of your wallet, then “Add Network“, and enter the following details:
- Network Name: Binance Smart Chain
- New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org
- Chain ID: 56
- Currency Symbol (Optional): BNB
- Block Explorer URL (Optional): https://bscscan.com
Add the $NEIL token by clicking “Import tokens” at the bottom of your MetaMask wallet and entering the following information:
- Token Contract Address: 0x42b8Af81D4fA2df8fC10f51A03C602A163Bfd231
- Token Symbol: NEIL
- Token Decimal: 18
You have now successfully added the $NEIL token to MetaMask, and can visit PancakeSwap, connect your MetaMask wallet, and start trading $NEIL tokens!
Neil Coin trading online
- Neil Coin ($NEIL) on The Bit Times
- Neil Coin ($NEIL) on PooCoin Charts
- Neil Coin ($NEIL) on CoinAlpha
- Neil Coin ($NEIL) on Top100 Tokens
- Neil Coin ($NEIL) on Thả Rông (Vietnamese)
Please note: I am not a financial advisor, and this is not financial advise. Do your own research. Consult a professional advisor before investing in cryptocurrencies. Don’t take anything you read online as financial advice, ever!